I've been neglecting this way too much. I'm still making music, just less frequently and at odder intervals. I'm also fleshing out a hip hop project entitled Mouse Hands and some visual art endeavors under the name Hunk Finn. I have a girl right now, and she's good to me, but other than that, things are kind of crazy. Living on the couch of one Arthur "Bobcat" Barnes has been as humbling and challenging as it has been liberating. american hyenas is not dead, just bear in mind that I don't have my own computer at present, so recording and general project management have become difficult to take care of. Weston, if you read this, I
will record the two tracks for our split, I just need some more time.
The future is till foggy, obviously, but I will try to stay on top of things, and anyone who scopes this out from time to time will be the first to hear of any news.