Tuesday, May 15, 2012

old project and new hip hop thing merged into one project. still american hyenas on the broader artistic terms, but doin' my MC business under the moniker, Pacific Spit. Sorry, I've been sleeping on this for so long. I'll be continuing this blog over at

I'm really excited to see where this change takes things.

-Thom Way

Saturday, January 22, 2011

on living

I've been neglecting this way too much. I'm still making music, just less frequently and at odder intervals. I'm also fleshing out a hip hop project entitled Mouse Hands and some visual art endeavors under the name Hunk Finn. I have a girl right now, and she's good to me, but other than that, things are kind of crazy. Living on the couch of one Arthur "Bobcat" Barnes has been as humbling and challenging as it has been liberating. american hyenas is not dead, just bear in mind that I don't have my own computer at present, so recording and general project management have become difficult to take care of. Weston, if you read this, I will record the two tracks for our split, I just need some more time.

The future is till foggy, obviously, but I will try to stay on top of things, and anyone who scopes this out from time to time will be the first to hear of any news.


Monday, August 23, 2010


that's something I saw on the interwebs that I thought was pretty relevant to my feelings these days.

I'm working on a self titled to be released later this year. sorry I haven't kept up on the blog. played some shows not too long ago. hopefully more in the near future.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

123448527 (a favor)

"You will have the only copy, and you will have the power/responsibility of the photos future." - David Horvitz



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

being civil

I purchased a fife and I've been practicing, so look for that on the rapid spirits record, because I intend to make full use of it. Speaking of that, I worked out some kinks and it seems like it's all going to flow pretty good. I played what's probably going to be the first track, that is, "A Donald Duck or a Joan of Arc" at Brootal Sun Fest, which was sick for the record. A lot of really good bands played. My setlist for that, if you're curious was,

1.A donald duck or a Joan of Arc
2.Teenage Lobotomy 2: Sawsd
3.No Wave
4.Sensor, (which is going to be on the full length I'm trying to record)
5.D-Day All Weekend
6.Gory For A Monday

I had intended to play a song called "revision" too, but it wasn't ripe yet.

I'll post pictures from that pretty soon, I think.

I'm psyched for the summer. I won't be doing anything in late May because I'll be in san francisco with a friend, but I'll be playing some shows in Tucson later, for sure. And my little brother and I will hopefully finish the full-length for our band Green Taylor Simms. So much work to do, but it's going to payoff. Look Out.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


To quote Grease 2, "I need a girl for all seasons"

winter girl


My friend Alex and I made some recordings this past weekend. You can listen to them at
also, I'm writing for that little record I mentioned which is going to be called rapid spirits, and will be a completely different work than I've done before. Think ancient. I'm kind of simultaneously doing three different works, but that's good, I promise you.

I should have the "bird stomach" single done and readily available for anyone coming to Brootal Sun Fest. Also, if anyone knows some body that is a female, and that female can sing, and said songbird gal would be up for singing on two tracks of my full-length, sometime before the summer, holler at yr boy.

That's it.